In recent years, the labor and transportation costs associated with imported packaging have escalated. Fluctuations in currency and a volatile political climate only add to the cost and delivery uncertainty. Warehousing can have its complications and risks. Product recalls of imported products from unaudited factories made national headlines.
Meanwhile back at home US manufacturers became more lean and efficient, adding significantly to their technological advancements. This not only increased thru-put and contained costs, but also improved quality. Companies that were financially sound, such as Independent Can, were able to invest and move forward. Advances in automation resulted in consistently repeatable, high quality results and better delivery time for customers.
What’s under the wrapper?
Metal Lithography
High Speed, Energy Efficient Coater
Our new coating line as arrived! It is the latest coating and oven system available. This line will be rated at 120 sheets per minute and the oven is reported to operate utilizing 20- 30% less energy than the older drying ovens while providing the cleanest exhaust. Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility by US businesses must run hand in hand. Generating less Co2 while also using less energy is good for everyone.
Competitive prices, quality and delivery certainty are just a few of the reasons that it makes more sense to Buy American. Needless to say, decorative tin business is “coming home”. Independent Can has been dedicated to manufacturing fine decorative metal packaging, as its primary focus, for more than 80 years.
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