Monday, June 4, 2012

Coffee Talk Magazine - Letters to the Editor on "Kicking the Can"

Letters to the Editor

On “Kicking the Can”

Good after­noon.
We are a sub­scriber to Coffee Talk Magazine and we have noticed the “kick­ing” around of steel cans in favor of poly­bags. I’m writ­ing, not because we are a can man­u­fac­turer in the United States who pro­vides tin­plated steel pack­ag­ing to the cof­fee indus­try, but because you may be mis­lead­ing a very envi­ron­men­tally con­scious group of con­sumers to believe that bags are their best pack­ag­ing choice. Showing smashed and soiled cans on your cover was a slap at our indus­try and our material.

Steel is the most recy­cled prod­uct in the US and has an infi­nite life cycle. Steel can be made into another item after recy­cling with­out loss of qual­ity and uses less energy than mak­ing new. Separation from other waste mate­ri­als by mag­net makes the recy­cling process highly effi­cient and lower in cost. There is no bet­ter pack­age for shelf appeal and for preser­va­tion of freshness.

The foils, plas­tic valves, and lin­ers of cof­fee bags make them less recy­clable or not recy­clable. The paper/poly blend excludes cof­fee bags from being con­sid­ered part of paper recy­cling. Cans can be reused. Bags are not. A num­ber of plas­tic con­tain­ers can­not be recy­cled into sec­ondary prod­ucts. Even among those that can be (#1 and #2), once the sec­ondary prod­ucts are used the plas­tic can­not recy­cled again. A good resource for sup­port of the steel can facts that I have stated is this web­site As a cof­fee mag­a­zine, I’m not sure what is gained by show­ing a bias toward a par­tic­u­lar pack­ag­ing choice. It is not the same as the full page ads claim­ing that steel can is not a good con­tem­po­rary choice. All is fair in marketing.

Donna Sichette
Marketing Specialist
Independent Can Company
1300 Brass Mill Road
Belcamp, MD 21017

Ryan D. Huether
Vice President of Business Development
Independent Can Company

Link to original post:

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